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We are sorry to say that VOIID will no longer be able to carry out their planned EU/UK tour in May/June 2024. In early February, we received the devastating news that an immediate family member of the band has been diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma, which is a form of cancer in the kidney. We have ultimately no choice but to stay in Australia, taking care of both ourselves and being a leg of support for them in this uncertain time. On top of this, we all as individuals have been facing our own struggles with mental health and stability, with some of us needing to step away from our duties as a band to take the time to seek appropriate help, and navigate these personal hurdles.

We hope to make our way to EU/UK in the future, but unfortunately for right now, both physical and mental health is our top priority and we have to make the decision that is in our own best interest as to ensure all of our wellbeings, and a tour of this magnitude is something we can not carry out at this point in time.

Big love to all, VOIID

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Donots 13.04.24 im Hof